Dec. 19, 1995.
A long time ago in a country far far away was a man who some people would call a prophet. By using fasting an other methods he was able to broaden the frequency band of his eyesight which also included the long atrophied pineal gland sometimes called the third eye. Then one day a bunch of rowdy guys came to do him no good. They were all decked out in chariots and were some real mean dudes to say the least. This prophet had a student who said in so many words, "Hey daddyo, what are we going to do, these guys are going to turn us every way but loose.? The prophet then said, in so many words, "Hey man there are more with us than are with them." The student then said, "Are you crazy, in case you haven't counted our side lately, there are just me and you." The prophet then extended the vibrational frequency response of the student's visual perception and the student then was able to see that the hills around there were literally covered with vehicles and beings from the higher dimensions. There's a little more to the story but maybe you get the picture. I think that may be what Ashtar is trying to tell us in that some will see these space crafts who are here to help us and some will not.
Now on to the words of Ashtar.
John Winston.
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DALPHIAANA: So that everything is in synchronicity?
ASHTAR: Yes, for all of these Light Beings, who are looking after very small areas, or large areas, they are close to the Earth vibration and need to be changed too, you see. Then we have other beings who have stepped themselves down the dimensions into your Spirit World and are working with those who have crossed over into what you have termed death in order to facilitate their awakening, realization and change, so they will also be able to move dimensions higher within a short time.
D: And the light is beginning to flood the Earth?
A: Yes. The efforts of all of the volunteers from higher dimensions an other spheres, are all working now so beautifully. There is still much negativity to handle, of course, but for many of those beings, their choice will be the Spirit World and there, of course, the vibrations will be mellowed.
D: You say many choices of these in negativity will be the spirit world. They will simply choose death over ascension, although they won't really know they are making this choice because they know nothing about ascension.
A: Exactly. It will all be subconscious. The energies of you, who are Lightworkers, are to be commended and thanked as we go through these latter days of fulfillment of prophecy relative to your planet. We are so thrilled to be working with many of you consciously. It brings so much love into the energies of the Earth to have this contact, "As Above, So Below," solidified. With each direct contact, where the human being is aware of the contact, their auras expand so brilliantly and the love spreads to all surrounding: the devas, the nature spirits, the fairies, the elves, the elements of the air, the water, the Earth and the fire. All of these elements are affected by this transaction of love that comes and flows right from the Heaven Worlds, through your energy systems and out into all of your surrounding areas.
D: This is the way of spreading the Light and Love. It flows outward from their hearts.
A: Yes and with this magnetism happening, people will be drawn to you automatically without your having to do anything except answer your doorbell or the telephone.
D: Ashtar, you have taught us that Photon Energies have been manifesting as waves for the past hundred years or so, and the last three immense waves will catapult us into the fifth dimension. Now we read about the null zone of up to five days of darkness that will rush us into a more etheric way of existing. How does this fit in with the Photon Wave Theory?
A: Yes, dear one, for the past many hundreds of years, this phenomena has been beginning to take shape and the energies are etheric. They are coming to you on the planet with the pulse of the universe. All energy in your universe comes to you and exists with a pulse, a rhythm.
D: Like the heartbeat?
A: Yes, as above so below. Your heart is beating because of the rhythm of the universe and it keeps going because of this rhythm. With all energy, that is what is occurring. This is where spiral energy comes from, you see. Spiral energy is also that which is constant and flowing, as we are demonstrating with the hand of the channel, in a constant forward circular motion. (The channel's hand was moving in a very smooth, circular motion, with a pulse beat at regular intervals. Ashtar was demonstrating the spiral action of the energies, flowing at a certain specific rate of velocity.)
This pulse, which is called the "Outbreath of G--", takes civilizations forward, and will continue on to take them through that into the "Inbreath of G--."
D: Thank you Ashtar. That was intriguing!
JW So that is what Ashtar said. Amen brother Ben.
Part 2 of 2.
Source Of Information: Ascending Times, ENLIGHTENING COMMUNICATION DEDICATED TO THE UNIFICATION OF LIGHTWORKERS * ISSUE NUMBER 7, 1995. P.O Box 100 / SIMPSON / SK /CANADA SOG 4MO. This article was channeled through Ariana Sahran, CLOVERLEAF HOME BASE, (306) 446-3249, Electra, FRIENDS AND SOUL FAMILY TALK LINE (306) 652-8001.
Ariana Sheran, a versatile inter-dimensional communicator and beacon of light, has chosen to serve the grater good through channeling and sharing. The organization she founded called Cloverleaf Connection is an Earth Based Communications Center of the Ashtar Command, located in Saskatchewan, a geographically safe area. Transmissions, have been received from the Ashtar Command, Ascended Masters, Diva Kingdom, Spiritual Hierarchy, Angelic Realms, and other amazing places. Cloverleaf Connection 922 - 112th Street - North Battleford - SK Canada - S9A 21.3
John Winston.